This is the hugely talented Alan Bilton, author of ‘The Known and Unknown Sea’ talking about ‘Flirting at the Funeral’
“Dubious though it may be to plug another book from your own publisher, can I be excused for once to recommend Chris Keil’s ‘Flirting at the Funeral’ to you? Smart, tense, and mysterious, this is a wonderfully evocative and unsettling read. The precision of the images, coupled with a sense of something uncanny and sinister nagging at the edges made me think of DeLillo in his prime, a mixture of clarity and disorientating fuzziness perfectly matched to the heat haze of the setting. I also admired the way in which the book managed to leave the novel’s big ideas (the spectre of European history, counterfactual philosophy, capitalism and its discontents) quietly simmering away whilst the characters unknowingly waltzed their way through, if not something terrible, then at least the shadow of something terrible…